Plan and execution of landscape projects are quite challenging. There are many types of Horticultural landscaping Projects like small, medium, and large. Today we will talk about Horticultural landscape projects which require professional planning of these projects.
To make our landscape successful we have to plan and execute landscaping projects professionally and make plans for each and everything.
To Plan and execute landscape projects, You have to make full details of the project which include:

Existing Location of the Landscaping Site:

It is very important to note full detail of the existing location of the site so that we understand exactly, where this site is located.
Detail of existing location will provide us first-hand information to us and our team members whether we have all necessary permission and infrastructure to work in that particular site. Some sites are such that they are not available 24X7 as these sites have some restrictions and you have to work according to these restrictions.
- The existing condition of the landscaping site: It is very important to know the existing condition of the landscape site to plan and execute the landscaping projects. We should make full detail of the physical condition of the Landscaping site with Photographs and videos so that our team can understand, how will we develop this site and what will we do with existing vegetation and other things. It is very important because if you want to put the new tree on the site and you have to remove an existing tree, you have to take permission from Forest officials and sometimes getting these permissions are quite difficult and even if you get this permission, you have to transplant or relocate these plants to another place. Due to serious environmental concerns these days, things sometimes become very difficult, time-consuming, and expensive.
- Climatic Conditions of the existing landscaping Site: As different plants react differently to climatic condition, you must make full details of climatic conditions of this site as Minimum and maximum temperature in different months, Average Rainfall received during different months, etc. to our team so that they know what type of challenges we will face during landscape development and maintenance of this landscape. There are different verities of plants which has different requirement of temperature and water.
- Designing of Projects you can draw your project design on paper and tell your team to do work as per your design. In this case you have to provide following details :

- Area of the land – You have to provide an area of the land in a Square meter or any other unit so that our team knows how many plants will be required to cover this area. You have to measure the area and put the drawing on paper so that all team members understand it.
- Which Plant to plant – In landscaping we normally use Grasses, Shrubs and trees? It is therefore you have to decide which plant is to plant in that particular area and how many. As beautification of the area is very important in landscaping, we should select plants which give us aesthetic value. You have to draw dawning on paper mentioning at which area you want to plant grass, shrubs or trees. We should always try to plant native verities or varieties which can be grown in that area very easily and adaptive of climatic condition of the area.
Golden Duranta:

This is the best plant for the beautification of Gardening. Golden duranta is used mainly for creating hedges and as an outer covering line for flower or ground cover beds.
Snake plant:

It is also called mother-in-law tongue and Sansevieria.
This is one of the best plants for Gardening and home purposes.
This plant is good for human health as it filters the air in your room. This plant can convert Carbon dioxide to Oxygen. It is even work in the night time.
This plant can absorb pollutants that cause cancer in human beings.
It also filters and absorbs Benzene, Formaldehyde, and toluene.
You must keep at least 4-5 snake plants in your bedroom. It is quite easy to grow.
Foxtail Palm:

This is one of the best Landscaping Plant for the beautification of your garden. The price of this plant depends on the height and Diameter of its stem. The Size of its stem increase very – very slowly.
I remember one the interesting story regarding this Plant. in one project, where I was project Manager I had to plant around 200 trees of Foxtail Palm of 7 ft height and 5-inch stem diameter at 1 ft from ground level and I ordered a Foxtail Palm of 10 Ft height, presuming that as there requirement is only 7 Ft height so each and every plant will be of more than 5-inch diameter but surprise to me that even 15 ft height foxtail palm was not of 5-inch dia. I, therefore, replaced these plants with new plants and suffered a big loss.
You can Plant this tree along the roadside or in the garden beds.
Make a 15 ft X 6 Ft flower bed or any other size. Soil Beds can be planted with flowers or any other shrubs like Enamthimium and Goden Duranta and foxtail palm can be planted in the shape of a square or triangle.
Areca Palm Plant

Areca Palm is a widely used plant indoors and outdoors. You can use this plant very well in your landscape scheme and at your home. Plant it in pots and put it in your home. You can also make plants bed and plant there.
Chandini Variegated

This plant is also called the Milk flower. It’s a beautiful plant which can be used in the home as well as in gardening. Keep this plant in a sunny area.
Hibiscus Plant

This is a colorful plant. Liquid extract of this plant is used in many health conditions.
Money plant ( Epipremnum aureum)

Money plants can easily remove several types of pollutants and are listed in NASA’s list of removing air pollutants from the air. One of the best plants to grow in the home as well as in gardening.
Spider Plant

This plant is quite easy to grow and should be kept at home as it can remove carbon monoxide and xylene from the air.

- How will look landscaping after doing all gardening works: You should take images of existing site and then put images on paper how will it look after completing all gardening works. This will give you a firsthand idea that whether you are going to satisfy yourself after doing these all horticultural operations or is there any change is required.
- Financial Planning for Landscaping Projects
You have to measure the area and calculate how many plants you have to plant in a specific area and what will be the cost of material and manpower to do it.
- Cost on Plants: As per area of plantation you have to make planning how much quantity you require of grasses/ shrubs/ tree and how much money you have to pay for per plant. Costing of Tree plants calculated as per no. of trees, their health, stem size, height of plants and its canopy. In case of grasses cost on grasses calculated as per square meter. Expenditure on the plants also should include transportation charges, carrying plants one location to other locations.

- Expenses of Fertilizers: You have also to calculate how much and which fertilizer is required for plants and according to that how much money you have to spend on it.
- Money to be spent on Watering: As you know plants cannot survive without water, it is therefore very important to calculate how much water you have to provide and in the case of big landscaping projects how many water tanks you have to provide daily or each month. Plants cannot survive without water. In some cases of gardening, you may have to provide an advanced irrigation system which may be quite expensive. There are multiple types of an irrigation system which can be installed and used as per your requirement.

- Cost on Manpower: You have to provide manpower to plant trees, shrubs and grasses and therefore you have to calculate how much money you have to spend on this.

- Cost on Machinery: You may have to provide many type of machinery as per location and conditions of the area. In case of vertical landscaping you have to use sky lift.

- Cost on Fencing: In any case atleast for some time you have to put fencing to protect plants from animal grazing.
- Cost on Tree guard: Tea guards are very important to protect plants, especially during initial stage of growth.

You should also consider and make provisions for emergency funds.
You may like to read our blog Landscaping and its Importance in Our Life
You may also like to buy the book LANDSCAPING GARDENING. You may buy this book from Amazon.