Human Health and Organic Farming


Organic farming is a method of growing agricultural crops in which no pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth hormones are used to make it safe for human consumption. We try to grow crops with the help of only organic materials and environmentally friendly conditions which are not harmful to a human being as well as to animals and birds.

Organic a farming production is an approach and way of agriculture farming, designed to optimize productivity and working on the principal goal of organic production is to develop which is sustainable and harmonious with the environment.

The main feature and principals of organic farming are the following:

        Protect the environment,

        Minimize soil degradation and erosion,

        Decrease pollution,

        Optimize biological productivity

        Promote a sound state of health

        Maintain long-term soil fertility by optimizing conditions for the biological activity of soil organism like bacteria and fungi 

        Maintain biological diversity

        Try to recycle materials and resources to the greatest level.

        Prepare organic production in the right way to maintain the organic integrity and important qualities of the products.

        Try to use locally organized agricultural systems

Organic agriculture promotes the use of crop rotations and cover crops and thereby balanced host organism and predator relationships.

In this method, any Organic residues, and nutrients which are produced on the land are recycled back to the soil. Mostly composted manure and plant leaves of the cover crops are used to maintain soil organic matter and fertility.

To control insect and disease control crop rotation is used as a particular pest and disease attack on the same species of crop, therefore, changing crop species decreases the chances of crop and pest. Moreover genetically improved and resistant varieties for pests and diseases are used.

More emphasis is given to integrated pest and weed management, and soil conservation.

At organic farms, only originally organic pesticides, weedicides, and fertilizers are used. A list of these approved products can be found on organizations’ web lists which are responsible for organic farming in that country.

To control insect and disease control crop rotation is used as a particular pest and disease attack on the same species of crop therefore changing crop species decreases the chances of crop and pest. Moreover genetically improved and resistant varieties for pests and diseases are used.

More emphasis is given to integrated pest and weed management, and soil conservation.

At organic farms, only originally organic pesticides, weedicide, and fertilizers are used. A list of these approved products can be found on organizations’ web lists which are responsible for organic farms in that country.

In organic farming normally prohibits products of genetic engineering, synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, and synthetic drugs.

 Before the harvest of the certified organic products that farms must not have used Prohibited products and practices at least 03 years prior to harvest of the certified organic products. Means if you want to produce a certified organic product in 2023 you must not use any product and practices during 2020, 2021, and 2022 on your farms. It is done to remove any possibility of products that have any contamination from earlier cultivation of the crop.

Although it is very challenging to produce organic products without the use of dangerous chemicals and fertilizers and these challenges are varied with different crops and within species of the same crop. But this is also a fact that almost every agricultural crop can be produced organically.


After so much media reports and scientific discussion on pesticide and weedicides hazardous on human health and the importance of organic farming, at present almost all countries on the globe discussing and encouraging organic farming. There is a world market for organic food that has grown for over more than 15 years.

Growth of retail sales in North America is predicted to be about 20 percent per year during the next few years. It is also heartening to note that imported products make up about 70 percent of the organic food consumed in Canada. Canada also exports many organic products, particularly soybeans and grains to other countries.


There are many reasons for farmers to go for Organic farming which includes organic farming is better for the environmental.  Organic farming practices reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, use less energy, and provide a healthy environment. Organic Farming without pesticides, weedicide is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as humans who live close to the farms. In the present world scenario when people are very health conscious Organic farmers find their method of farming profitable and feel proud doing something for mother earth nature.

Why Buy Organic Product?

There any many reasons why people like to purchase organic products:

 Most of them want to buy food products that are free of chemical pesticides and weedicide and grown without conventional fertilizers.

 Some simply attract to try to new and different products which may have different or pure Product tastes.

Their concerns for the safe environment.

 The desire to use only foods from the original products and not from genetically engineered organisms.

The popularity of Organic Farming

As per the estimate in 2018, around 177,000,000 acres of land worldwide were farmed organically which is representing around 1.5 percent of total world farmland.

The countries with the most organic farmland are Australia, Argentina, China, and the United States. Much of Argentina’s organic farmland is pasture. Other significant producers of organic food are Spain, Germany, Brazil (the world’s largest agricultural exporter), Uruguay, and England.

What is “Certified Organic”?

“Certified organic” is a term given to products produced according to organic standards as set by a particular organic certified agency in that country.

A farmer wishing to be getting certified organic license must apply to a certification agency requesting an independent inspection of their farm to verify that the farm has fulfilled all the requirements of organic standards stipulated in guidelines. Without this license, you will not be able to sale or export your product as an organic product

This is also very important that Farmers required to maintain the organic integrity of the product and to maintain a document detailing all processes of the organic farming trail for audit purposes. Generally, these Products from certified organic farms are labeled with the logo and promoted as “certified organic.”

Exporting Organic Materials

This is necessary to export organic products to other countries exported products must meet the requirements of the importing country.

Organic Certification

When considering organic certification, you have to know the requirements and accreditation(s) needed in the marketplace where your products will be sold.

 Some international markets may require accreditation or equivalency agreements with countries in the European Union, or other international organic certification systems.

The Transition Period

The first 03 years of organic production are the hardest. Organic standards require that organic lands must be managed using organic products and practices for 03 years prior to the harvest of the first certified organic crop production.

This is called the “transition period” when both the soil and the grower adjust to the new system. Insect and weed populations, soil microorganisms also adjust during this time.

Cash flow may be a problem due to the low   yields expected in initial years and the fact that price premiums are not available during the transition since products do not qualify as “certified organic product.” For this reason, some growers choose to convert to organic production in stages. Try 10 percent the first year. May be 20 percent next year and so on.

Crops with a low cost of production are commonly grown during the transition period to avoid this risk. It may take around 05 years to become totally organic, but a long term approach is often more successful than a rapid conversion. Keeping and maintain records will help you in every sphere of organic farming.

Successful Organic Farming

In organic production, farmers are not allowed to use some of the convenient chemical tools available to other farmers it is, therefore, the Design and management of the production system are necessary to produce organic products successfully on the farm. Select methods and choose crop rotation and tillage practices to avoid or reduce crop problems.

Yields of each organic crop vary, depending on the success of the grower. During the the initial transition from conventional to organic, production yields are expected to lower than earlier levels, but within three to five year the organic yields typically increase and you will start getting more price for your product and maybe able to make a brand name in the local market as well as national and international market.

There are some Cereal and forage crops that can be grown organically relatively easily due to relatively low pest pressures and nutrient requirements. Soybeans also perform well if weeds can be controlled effectively. The same way  Corn can be grown more frequently on organic farms provided careful management of weed control and fertility of the soil. Meeting nitrogen requirements is particularly challenging. Corn will be successful if grown after forage legumes which contribute nitrogen to the soil or if manure has been applied. Worldwide Markets for organic feed grains have been strong in recent years.

In In my opinion, this is the right time to start organic farming as there is a huge market all over the world. Demands for an organic product are going to explode in the near future. Farmers and other organizations have a great opportunity to make them established firmly in this period. There will be a time when everyone will buy only organic produce as people are now very health conscious. This will also give a proud moment to farmers as the savior of the environment and contributing in a big way for humans, animals, and birds’ health. In all this is a win and win situation for producer and consumer and also to those involved in Organic farming.

2 thoughts on “Human Health and Organic Farming”

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