Air Pollution

Air pollution is the main cause of asthma, lung cancer. This can also cause psychological complications. The new mom also has to worry as air pollution can create autism, suffer badly fetal growth and low birth rate.

Air pollution has become so serious that some world cities are behaving like a gas chamber and living in these cities is just a hell.

Air Quality Index (AQI) Basics

How to know whether Air quality is good or bad??

It is measure by Air quality index (AQI). AQI tells you how clean is air in your area and health problems associated with polluted air. It is reported on a daily basis and you can find reporting on-air index quality from many sources in Government, internet, and other websites.

AQI is measured between 0 to 500, higher the AQI level, more the polluted air quality. If air quality is between 0 to 50, it is good for health. Air quality index 51 to 100 – air quality is moderate.

In AQI 101-150 general people will not likely to effected but people with lung disease, older adults, and children are at a greater risk.

Anything more than AQI 151 and under 200, everyone may begin to experience some adverse health effects.

AQI between 201 to 300, almost everyone will start experiencing adverse health effects.

AQI More than 300 means you have entered into a hazardous situation and it in emergency situations and almost everyone going to be adversely affected.

You will be surprised to note that many cities in the world experience more than AQI 150 Almost throughout the year particularly from January to March.

 In New Delhi, INDIA AQI was reached 642 on a particular day in 2018 and become almost gas chamber. In fact, most of the period in December to March, Many Indians and some other countries city get AQI more than 300.

Most of the Indian, Chinese, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam stay at a dangerous level during cold weather season. This is not only these country-specific in fact almost all the countries on this globe somehow experience air pollution in a localized way or in the whole city or sometimes the whole country experiences air pollution.

It is, therefore, your own responsibility to check the AQI index for your area/city of your country for your health and health of your loved ones.

There is very little chance that there will be big coverage of air pollution because big industries are the main source of air pollution and managed run by the big corporate sector. Hue and cry from government and media is not expected at least in this area because Air pollution is basically a by-product of industrialization and poisonous gases put into the air by these factories which are very reluctant to put safety measures due to the very high cost involved in it. It is therefore you are only the person who has to take initiative in it.

There are a lot of web sites are available where you can get daily updates.

So how to fight it out?

Although there are big initiatives require from Government and other institutions to control it which include fewer vehicles on road, reasonable construction, stoping factory those put dangerous gases in the environment including many other methods to control it.

Luckily we have some Plants which can clean air and every one of us must plant these in our home.

There are lots of plants which can combat air pollution but here I am going to let you know about 5 Plants to Make Your Home Clean and Green.

1. Aloe Vera


This is easy to grow and it helps in filtering benzene and formaldehyde. It doesn’t require big space and can be grown easily in pots. You can put it in any room a window and see the magic of it and inhale clean air.


2. Spider Plant


Spider plants are surely a very good gift by nature to us which can purify indoor air pollution.

The spider plant is also called air plant and it grows and spreads within limited period.

 The plant fights against carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene.

You can grow it in the pot. This plant doesn’t require direct sunlight to grow, so can keep it in the office room or corridor of your office. 


3. Snake Plant


This plant requires very little maintenance.

This plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, because of the shape and texture. It is known for filtering formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air.

You have to note here,  unlike regular plants, this plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night. You, therefore, get direct oxygen.


4.  Bamboo Palm


The bamboo plant is one of the plants which can reduce indoor air pollution in great extent.

It is the best plant to filter out benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene. It can be kept anywhere in the room and most importantly not need water regularly.


5. Warneck Dracaena

It is the best plant to keep it in office rooms as it combats pollutants that come with paints, detergents, varnishes, and oils.

The plant does not require direct light. This plant can grow 10 feet easily at room temperature. 

This is the right time to understand the seriousness of air pollution and its grave effects on human health. We have to encourage the planting of air purifier plants on large scale and with full conviction.

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